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Trusted Real Estate
Asset Management in Portugal

About us

At Rockmark, we stand at the crossroads where experience meets innovation in the dynamic real estate market of Portugal.

As a seasoned player in the real estate sector, we specialize in delivering a comprehensive suite of services that encompasses every facet of real estate fund and asset management.


Our holistic approach is designed to streamline operations, making Rockmark a trusted partner in building long-term real estate portfolios in Portugal.

Fund Management Services

Dive into a world of seamless and proficient real estate services, all under one roof at Rockmark.
Our extensive offerings include:

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Real Estate Fund Services

Harness our expertise to foster growth and stability in your real estate portfolio.

Image by John Schnobrich

Compliance & Reporting

Stay ahead of the curve with

our thorough compliance services and detailed reporting mechanisms, fostering transparency and trust.

Image by Sean Pollock

Accounting & Legal

Navigate the complex waters of real estate accounting and legal issues with our expert guidance, ensuring safety and profitability.

Real Estate Fund Services


Property Management

Get accurate and reliable property valuations, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Entrust your properties
to our capable hands, promising meticulous management and upkeep.

Get in Touch

We are here to catalyze your success in the real estate sector.

Get in touch with

us for unparalleled solutions and expert consultation.

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ROCKMARK ASSET MANAGEMENT- SGOIC S.A. is a duly registered and authorized entity by the CMVM. For more information, click here.
Rua Dr. João de Oliveira Miguens, 76 1ºD , 1350 -278 Lisboa Portugal

Copyright © 2024 by Rockmark

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